Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Two days in history

It is two hours after midnight. Yesterday was Martin Luther King Jr day. Today is the inauguration of the first "black" president. It was 44 years ago that Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. Today we inaugurate the 44th president of the United States. i am excited. . .

i am excited that we have entered a new time in this countries history. i am excited that we have taken one step closer to what i have long hoped for. . . the end of race. People are people are people. No one person (or group) should be any less or more privileged or celebrated than another. One day we will see each other not as what our ancestors were, but as what we are!
i was blessed to grow up in a place where race was not an issue, or if it was we kids were not at all aware of it. We all played together - "Asian" kids, "black" kids, "white" kids, all of us.
Today, my extension of Dr. King's dream is that we find a day when we can celebrate any event, on any occasion together without needing to segregate in any way for any reason!