Saturday, October 15, 2005

Business as usual. Or is it?

As i surf the web, and read books by various christian authors i have to wonder, what is it that we have done to the church. Is it the basic human need/desire to create structure and order? Do we as a species tend to over do most everything?
The local church with whom i meet opted not to meet this Sunday because a number of the community are away. i found this odd at first, after all, "where two or more are gathered in my name. . .".
We are a small group of four or so families, and we are pretty well spread out (geographically), and Sunday seems to be our one day to really meet together and catch up. That struck me as even more odd.
We have been called into community. Community doesn't come with business hours, or days of operation. Community doesn't have weekends. Community doesn't end. Community is all the time. Members of a community are deeply immersed in each others life.
i have always viewed community as the next step down the evolutionary chart from family. i see it as being as intimate as family without the living in close quarters part (although it is certainly an option for those desiring that depth). Meeting with, eating with, shopping with, having coffee with, praying with other christians all the time.
i am not talking about total separation from what some call "secular society" but i am talking about drawing our brothers and sisters in Christ into our life story and being drawn into theirs. Reading the accounts of the early church as recorded in Luke's letter to Theophilus, when speaking about the church Luke uses words like, "everyday", and "constantly", "always", and "homes". In the church today we use words like, "Wednesday night", and "Sunday morning", "bible study", and "church" (denoting the large constructs of wood and stone that some deem more holy than other structures).
i feel that this business of meeting at set times with set purposes in "holy" structures is counterproductive, if not detrimental to the church as a whole. What God intended to look like family we have restructured to look like a business. As a matter of personal opinion i would like to see the Church take back the word "church". Let's give meaning to the word Church again. Let it be what is was intended to be. i would love to see us refer to our large meeting halls (aka churches) as what they really are - "Community Centers". A place where the local communities of the global Church gather to meet and to fellowship for special occasions. A place where we can get together for functions too grand to be accommodated in a regular home.
On Saturday nights (not the church i spoke of earlier in this post) we are coming to recognize our own short comings in the devotion to one another in our community. We are all good friends. We are all, in our own circles, very close friends. Mind you these are not cliques, but we are not all as close as we could, or even should be. This week one from our group suggested that we drop all of our names in a hat and pull a name. That will be the person we spend focused prayer time on, and make a point to call during the week. i think that this is an awesome suggestion, and i am excited to see how it worked out for other people. This week will do the same and have a shot at getting to now someone different. It is a small step, but it is a start in the right direction.

Here's to closer community. . .

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