Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Bye bye little internet guy. . .


But it is true. i am soon to loose my Internet access. i thought it to be rumor, but it is not. This is bad news for the scrambled little electrons here that are looking for purpose in existence, and great news for my bound paper journal - it has been getting dusty since the discovery of the blog.
The easy (and yet kinda lame) cure. . . get hired by Compassion. Then i will have to buy a computer, and get an Internet connection at home. Lame - o. i will be laughing stock of my friends, who know that i am not such a big fan of technology in the household (mostly because i can be a closet addict).

But that's all OK! i still have my paper journal, and it will suffice.

In other news, it has been decided. . . we are finishing off the roof in the the spring, and as soon as the weather warms, we are finishing off the basement. . . again. The time has come to take a leap of faith in this whole community thing, and actually rebuild the space that will be for another couple. There are some folks that are wanting to move in already, but that is two steps ahead of where we are. In the mean time we will just have to get motivated (need warm weather for that) and get cracking down stairs. Our target date - July 1 to be ready to move someone in!

Only God knows what will come of this. . .

Sunday, February 18, 2007

It was a great night at the Dogfish.

Between the aroma of cigarette stained clothes and the fragrance of ales riding the waves of heat from the boiler i found the crowd a bit different than anticipated. A mix of artsy folk, mingled with just a sprinkling of younger folk, the late twenties, early thirties crowd was well represented. Women looking for men, and men for women, and women wanting to be left to themselves. There was our crowd, that was irritating the wait staff, because only a couple of us were drinking, and there was the token redneck - but he was just pacing the building as though he lost his favorite beat up Chevy underneath one of the tables.
Rogue Electric opened the night. It was a decent mix of quiet and upbeat. I was super ready by the time Tree by Leaf took the stage. Ready to watch the crowd, study their reaction, follow the ebb and flow of their emotions. i was tired, i am tired, but when the Leaf took the stage it was all gone. No more tired.
i was a bit saddened though by one fellow. He was seated next to my wife, and clearly not all in his right mind. The beer probably didn't help. He took and instant liking to my wife (i mean after all, who wouldn't?), but he was less than debonair about it. Our response, i am sure, should have been different. We should have loved him and prayed for him, and perhaps some did. i did. Instead we laughed. i did that too.
Ultimately he was invited outside by one of the bouncer. i hope that he has someplace to stay tonight. It was a good night, i hope there is a warm place for him tonight.
i had to work at 0300 this morning. It wasn't till about 2230 that i realized that i had been drinking. . .that was pretty funny.

Friday, February 16, 2007

What a day.

The storm has come and gone! Snow, snow, snow.
Had to snow blow the driveway twice. . . OK i only did half the job the second time around. i'll finish it tomorrow. Oh, and the mail box disappeared, but that is another long story. i managed to fish around a snow drift, find it, dig it out and put it back up, we will see if we can make it till spring.

The application and resume are officially away!!! i applied with Compassion International last night. Trying not to get too excited about it, but i love the outfit, the prospect of working from home, and not over night shifts!!! Plus. . .its not here. i like what i do, but the new environment, the hours, and the constant stresses are just wearing on everyone. Its all up to God now. . .

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Touching my roots. . .

i like songs from the heart best.
They have no need for revision or correction.
Their rhythm has just the perfect gait.
The melody glistens and the harmony dances.
Seldom are they written on more than the heart
And the wind.
Sometimes i can't hear my heart.
Sometimes i forget it's beating.
But not today, or tomorrow.
Its singing a lullaby
Tickling my toes
It's anthem waving my roots.
Nudging gently; wake up oh sleeper.
Here we are.
My soul's holdfast giggles
Absorbs nutrients
Passes memory's chlorophyll to my all.
And i stretch and reach and yawn
And smile again.

Monday, February 12, 2007

A long hard stare!

Belief: 1 : a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing.
3 : conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or phenomenon especially when based on examination of evidence

Believe: 1 a : to have a firm religious faith b : to accept as true, genuine, or real.
2 : to have a firm conviction as to the goodness, efficacy, or ability of something.

Conviction: 3 a : a strong persuasion or belief b : the state of being convinced.

One of the two main differences between Islamic extremists and most Christians. Extremists live out what they believe. Christians just talk about it from behind the safety of "church" walls.

Friday, February 09, 2007

A new job on the horizon??

Well, with any luck this will be the beginning of the end. The end of my stay in the public safety field. The time has come, at least i think so. My compassion for people is eroding, the hours are hard, and i am fighting a losing battle to be happy with my current employer. There is too much corruption and insincerity.
i am not immune, and i am not righteous, but i can't handle it any longer. i promised my wife and some of the fellowship that i would start looking for other employment, but it is hard, especially in this economy, and i would rather not move. i may want to, but i don't really feel like the timing of a move right now is right.
There is a job opening with Compassion International for a regional job on the east coast! There is a lot of prayer going into it. i do not want to jump ship for the wrong reasons, and likewise take a different job for the wrong reasons.
In the meantime, we (Amy and i) are of to Boston in the morning to putter around, and later in the day meet with the Greenhaus folks. It seems pretty exciting. No kids, just two married adults having a mid-life crisis! Its supposed to be warm, so that will add to the fun (by warm i mean 2 degrees above freezing).

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

It's cold here tonight.

Burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. . .

The ambient air isn't so bad, it's the wind chill that threatens to freeze you from the inside out.

Work is slow. Apparently the cold weather is causing some to stay indoors tonight. That is good. It means that no one else is suffering.
The down side is that there isn't much for us poor dispatcher types to do. i simply can't read any longer. i am bored with it. It comes like the eye of the storm. i will read fifteen books and then *poof*, i just can't get into another book, no matter how badly i want to.

Compassion International has posted a job that i am keenly interested in. At least i think that i am. i know that i want to migrate into an employment that benefits man in a substantial way that does not also involve punishing them without the benefit of real rehabilitation.
Don't get me wrong i love what i do. i am also being cautious to not move on this because i don't like who i work for. Trying to avoid the grass is greener mind set can be tricky at times, but i think that it is important.

In other news Mushrooms Demystified came in on Friday!!!! Mushroom season is just around the corner!!!!!!!!!!! Thank God for his plentiful goodies.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Episode Two: Attack of the Clones

Of all the things to wake today. . . my wife worked a half day. Not a normal thing on a Wednesday. Usually we have the day off together, but fate conspired against us today. Not only did she work a half day this morning, but she had a meeting tonight, and i had to grab some "Z's" in the middle of the day. But there was a quick bit around lunch time when we got to pass and talk.
Small talk really, usually it is when we only have a few minutes. How's your day? What do you have planned? Are there any messages on the machine?
The timing of today was nothing short of awesome. The Mormons called. We haven't seen or heard from them in months. The callers were a new set of "missionaries", but apparently Swanson and the others left our number. So my wife told them to come on by sometime. i am excited. A little nervous about it, but excited.
Meanwhile, i am grappling with the status of my own faith. Seeing it's weakness and insufficiency. Wondering is grace big enough? Can i ever break the cycles of sin? If i don't, can i still be loved by God, and will he grant me passage into peace?
As i realize that i suck at life, i am surrounded by hurting souls. There is so much anger in the world. So much selfishness. So much disregard for the well being of others. It's the old, "All for one, and more for me" mentality.
You try to stick in a good word, or steer thinking, but you can't, only God can, and you hope that your little inserts are enough to take route down the road.
Someday we will get it right, and be cleansed. Someday we wont be so timid about righteousness, and love.
Can't wait for those days.