Sunday, February 18, 2007

It was a great night at the Dogfish.

Between the aroma of cigarette stained clothes and the fragrance of ales riding the waves of heat from the boiler i found the crowd a bit different than anticipated. A mix of artsy folk, mingled with just a sprinkling of younger folk, the late twenties, early thirties crowd was well represented. Women looking for men, and men for women, and women wanting to be left to themselves. There was our crowd, that was irritating the wait staff, because only a couple of us were drinking, and there was the token redneck - but he was just pacing the building as though he lost his favorite beat up Chevy underneath one of the tables.
Rogue Electric opened the night. It was a decent mix of quiet and upbeat. I was super ready by the time Tree by Leaf took the stage. Ready to watch the crowd, study their reaction, follow the ebb and flow of their emotions. i was tired, i am tired, but when the Leaf took the stage it was all gone. No more tired.
i was a bit saddened though by one fellow. He was seated next to my wife, and clearly not all in his right mind. The beer probably didn't help. He took and instant liking to my wife (i mean after all, who wouldn't?), but he was less than debonair about it. Our response, i am sure, should have been different. We should have loved him and prayed for him, and perhaps some did. i did. Instead we laughed. i did that too.
Ultimately he was invited outside by one of the bouncer. i hope that he has someplace to stay tonight. It was a good night, i hope there is a warm place for him tonight.
i had to work at 0300 this morning. It wasn't till about 2230 that i realized that i had been drinking. . .that was pretty funny.

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