Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The random check in.

So here i sit, computer-less, trapped in a job that is so worried about it's public image that it forbids employees from jotting down there thoughts at work. It makes good business sense during peak day hours. For those of us vampires . . . well, lets just say, "i got time"!

Summer is in full swing. There are more projects on my to do list than i can shake a small dog at. Roofing, painting, scraping, turkeys, taxidermy. . . why is cloning illegal??

The garden is finally showing some signs of progress. i was certain that all of the veggies had gone into stasis. They were planted and happy looking, but not growing. Of course at that point neither were the weeds and grass. The bad news is that i have three kids under the age of seven (two under the age of three) and it has been raining pretty consistently through the month of July. The good news: i love weeding.

i guess that i will close with a great note of hope. There are others out there. Even here! The kingdom of God is at hand, and there are those who seek to find it and live it with everything they are and have. i am so glad that God is finally crossing our paths!