Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Church

This weekend i got to help make maple syrup. Not that store bought stuff that they pass off as maple syrup, but the real deal! We boiled sap down until it came out of the evaporator in the form of yummy, yummy syrup! i think i could get really used to that, just need to get an evaporator. . . and some maple trees.
We talked with our new friends Dave and Caren, and of course Clara. We talked about a lot, and maybe we were a bit too philosophical. i was very encouraged by their desire to live sustainably and to share a message with the Church as a whole to live in balance with God's creation rather than destroying it. i think that there is something to be said about the example and testimony that would be seen by those outside of the kingdom if all of Jesus disciples lived in obedience to God and in reverence of all that he has made - living sustainably. Selfishness is the crown prince of all sin, and our consumption, even and especially in the Church, is a billboard to the world that we speak one way, but live another.
We also talked a bit about the Church and different styles of meeting. It took a day or so to digest, but in retrospect i realize that we the church spend way too much time thinking about what the church is and how we should meet, and far too little time just living with one another. Even to those in the "house church" or "organic" church movements we still treat the Church as some social club that is separate from life, when in fact the Church is our life. Think less and live more - our lives together will intertwine, we will be built up and build up one another. Whether we live together or apart, the fact is that we should just live, no programs, no meeting agendas, no business models to help administrate the "organization". We should just live together and in Christ - being submissive to one another and faithful in prayer and allow God to impart his gifts on those who he will and allow God to lead. Perhaps if we try less to organize and structure our lives and stop trying to administer so much - God will have the freedom to guide and administer more.
"Be still and know that I am God"

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