Friday, October 14, 2005

Getting to the root of the matter.

The only constant in life is change, regardless of your view on matters. Whether you are an evolutionist, whose ideology is all about change, or a Christian, whose mode of worship has constantly undergone change, it matters not. Look at history and you will find change.
i believe that if we really choose to grow or flourish we must accept change and steer our destiny as best we can. To that end, we should be mindful of everything that we hold true. Many of us have very strong convictions but have no idea why we hold these convictions, and we take advantage of the things we hear from those we respect, in seminars, in church etc. This is terribly irresponsible, and it stifles our relationships with God and with one another.
This came to light for me when i was browsing through Paul's first letter to Timothy. i had always been taught that chapter 6 verse 10 read:

"For the love of money is the root of evil. . ."
or, "money is the root of all evil."

when in fact the verse reads:
"For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil."

Holy cow!!! What can this mean? What is the implication???
So i got to thinking. If money is the root of all evil, what then is at the root of that love of money?
The simple answer is selfishness, the desire to be the center of the universe.
Every one is motivated by something, and at the core of the that motivation is more often than not selfishness.
Our desire for more money, our want of the latest "toys", and trends: every time we get into an argument and want to win, every time we desire praise, every time we are offended. At the root of all these things is selfishness.
i will not pretend to have the answers to matter of selfishness, but i will be spending sometime meditating on this. For now i am content that i have recognized that selfishness is a problem that permeates our society, and our personal lives.
Any thoughts??

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Selfishness.......I think that comes to my mind when I think about selfishness, is TV ads and most TV shows.
The reason why I say TV shows. Is that we always see the setting in a plush hollywood style of a house, but not only the main characters, all of there friends, and so on and so on. There are always at the mall shoping buying the most expensive itmes in the stores that there walk into, driving the newest, hottest cars. But where is the money coming from. We never see them work for it. The prefect example of this is the MTV show "My Super Sweet 16". There are showing these 15 years old girls before and during there 16th birthday. All of the girls that have been on the show have had these very costly birthday parties. All that they do is complain that there part isn't big enough or that they didn't get what there wanted.
This quote is taken from the MTV website: "My Super Sweet 16 takes you behind the scenes as teens prep for the party to end all parties. Will jealous siblings, stressed out parents and school rivals get in the way? Step into a world that isn't always as sweet as it seems."
To continue with the thought about TV, TV ads are part of the root problem. We always see tv ads shows as products that most of us really don't need. The constant bombardment of these is the major part of why the US is the top country for credit card debt.
We are worried about making us #1, when in reality it's not anout us. It's all about God. Once we get past the mentality that the world has put in front of us. We will be closer to living a fuller life with God.
One book that I highly recommend is "It's not about me" by. Max Lucado. Mike and I have both readthis book. It's talks about more then just selfishness.
