Sunday, November 20, 2005

GO. . .

Jesus said, "Go!"

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nation, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and of the Holy Spirit," (Matthew 28:19)

"Again Jesus said, 'Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.'"
(John 20:21)

Isn't it unfortunate that we are not called to be comfortable, fat and happy?? In fact if it falls under the classification of the "American Way", you can bank that Jesus would probably question it.

As the Father sent me, I am sending you

Not only has Jesus sent Us out, but he has sent us out in the same manner that the Father sent him.
We can and should devote some time studying how it is that he (Jesus) went out. So that we can go out likewise.
So what did Jesus look like at the time? What were some of the key thoughts of his mission?
Matthew 22: 37-39 - The first and second most important commandments = LOVE (God first and then our neighbors)
John 15:1-17 - A passage that can be summed up in two profound thoughts = Obey Jesus Commands and Bear Fruit.

If we love God, we will Obey Jesus Commands. If we Obey Jesus Commands, we will naturally Bear Fruit. When we Bear Fruit we will by course of nature Love our Neighbor.

Matthew Chapter 10 (yes the whole thing) - Jesus sends out the 12. In sending them out, he gives them instructions and warnings about the way things will be. Those admonishments are just as applicable today as they were the day that Jesus first gave them.
As some of us go out in following with God's leading and as the rest of us stay in our communities, we can use the following passage as a tool to help us remember how to love in obedience to Christ:
Matthew 25:31-46 - The parable of the sheep and the goats. There are six basic things that we can do or provide to love our fellow man.
1. Provide drink to the thirsty
2. Give food to those who are hungry
3. Give shelter and love to STRANGERS (and friends)
4. Offer clothing to the naked (needy)
5. Give care, love, help and hospice to the sick and infirmed.
6. Visit, love and show compassion to prisoners. (love can do amazing things were other therapy fails).
Luke 6:27-36
Love your enemies. Easy to say difficult to actually do. When you are wronged don't seek vengeance. When you are stolen from offer more. Love can do amazing things were other reactions fail).

Some thoughts on Jesus:
  • Jesus was nomadic - not tied down to one place.
  • Jesus met people where they were.
  • Jesus went out to the people. When word of him got out then more people came to him.
  • Jesus knew the needs of the people and he spoke to those needs directly. He did not use random teachings or lessons designed to be vague enough to meet a broader demographic.
  • Jesus made relationships with people.

As the Father sent him, so has He sent us!!! Let's go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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