Thursday, December 22, 2005

The Christmas Spirit. . .

My friends and i have had many a good "debate" over the value of celebrating Christmas. Some of my friends point to its pagan roots, and want nothing to do with it. Others still see it in the nostalgic light of the 1950's or Roy Rogers generation when Christmas was about family. Still others see it as an opportunity to dote upon their loved ones.
Up until this year i had never really put much thought to it. This year, though, has been very different. i have had the blessing and curse to have been exposed to poverty (by American standards). i have heard of families losing everything and others with nothing to begin with, yet they are happy.
The news has been broadcasting concerns that traditional giving to charities will decline because of all of the donations given because of the recent surge of "natural" disasters. Maybe God is trying to tell us something here.
A toy store employee made reference to people getting into the "spirit of Christmas" meaning that people were buying a lot of stuff. But is that the meaning of Christmas?
i believe that the meaning of Christmas is love unconditional, and real sacrifice and giving to those in need. i would have to agree.
So why is it the "Christmas" spirit? Why isn't it the spirit of Christ? Maybe this year God has been telling us to stretch out beyond the holiday season, and really love all over all year long.
After some of the stories i have heard this year, i don't think that i will celebrate Christmas the same. i know longer want gifts. i have way more than i need. Instead in the future i would recommend that those that want to give me gifts should redirect these kind offerings to people in real need.

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