Wednesday, December 21, 2005

What does God look like anyway. . .

i can no more describe God to you than i could any of my pen-pals whom i have never met. i have never seen his face or physically heard his voice. i have never physically walked in his presence and i have never looked deeply into his eyes.
Like my pen-pals though i have been paying attention to his personality and his being. As God and i commune together i have been learning about him.
i don't dare venture to give God physical attributes, and i understand him to be spirit. Whether He has form or not is His business.
i know God to be loving, creative, inventive, artistic, patient, stern, forgiving, trusting (faithful), gentle, peaceful, intimate, and close.
This is how God looks. i wish i could give you more, and perhaps you know him better than i.
i think of God like a pointilism painting. You can focus on one point of color all day, but you never see the greater picture. The longer you look at the whole picture, the more you see all the different points of color, and see how they tie together to make the greater picture. We can not put God in a box, but remember that we were created in His image. If this is true, then we must share some of His attributes.

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