Monday, January 30, 2006

Starting over. . .again.

Well, i have done it. . . mostly.
i have just written my letter requesting my removal from a "structured" churches membership roster. This is the first time that i have had to write such a letter, but really the second time that i have seceeded from the "structure". After the first time, it seems years ago, i swore that i wouldn't "join" a church again. Then i did. It was a means to an end really. My wife and i had come to a church that was in need of a youth pastor, and we fit the bill. So we joined in order to fill the role while we could.
Like all churches it has it's problems. i am sure that we contributed to some of those, and i know that we contributed good things too.
It's hard, because people just don't understand. Some people take it hard. Some respond with spoutings of the mouth withoutt examining the facts. What we often fail to remember is that we are nothing more that a mist that comes and goes. Here on earth we are temporary, even in each others paths. In Heaven though, there we will be forever. Never again will we part. How great will that be?!?!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

One thing that is also hard with that is, that people have a closed mind/blind eye to the problems in the structured church. Some people don't understand that people have grownen in the Lord. Grownen so much that a structured church is not where the Lord needs them to be anymore.