Monday, June 04, 2007

Children, Soggy gardens, Hippies, and What is the church anyway?

There is enough mud in my breezeway to plant a garden, and a good thing too. The way it has been raining, and how little time i have had, i may never get the one outside planted.
i have even started to noticed some sort of weird fungus growing on my peat pots that have the starts in them. Tomorrows gonna be another long wet day in the rain with the shovel and the hoe.

How did the mud migrate in you ask? Sunday the fellowship met at our house and we have kids - lots of kids. i am not complaining. Not a bit! There is something wonderful about the sounds of kids playing together and doing all the things that kids should do. What does make me nervous is how there is a smear of grass and mud six feet up my glass door. . . oh well. There was no blood or corpses in the yard at the end of the day.

This was an extra cool Sunday. We had some folks from Lewiston come down for a visit. They are thinking about community and communal living also. It was most liberating to talk at length with them because for the first time in a long time i didn't feel like "some fruit from California". Sometimes it's lonely being in a foreign land with no like minded folk around. But sure enough God be praised, they found us. After everything "wrapped up" for the day, our (dare i say friends) stayed until 9 pm. While i have my suspicions that Amy let the air out of their tires or took the distributor cap off their engine, i must lend some credibility to the idea that they stayed of their own accord.

Aside from having visitors and having like minded folks about, it was cool because i saw in them some of the idealism that i think has dulled in my mind over time. Tough issues like, what does the church look like, what does it do, discipleship, a certain level of uncertainty about the use of "church jargon". It was refreshing to have all of these thoughts renewed, and discussed between kindred, rather than from separate ideological positions.

i am optimistic for their adventures in community in Lewiston. They are city bound folk and that has its advantage when it comes to being near people in need.

The best part. Not only did we talk, and talk in depth, but Renee helped till the garden a bit in the mooky (is that a word?) weather. Thanks Renee!

1 comment:

Bob said...

Sounds like you guys had some fun. I'm one of those Lewiston/Auburn folks and I've been plotting with Damien the overthrow of civilization as we know it. My blog will explain everything.
It's going to be an adventure I'm sure. Unlike Damien and Renee, I will eat anything not moving (perhaps if it moves a little). Blessings, Bob.