Saturday, June 16, 2007

God uses the senseless to somehow make sense

Odd! God's timing, it's just. . . odd.

The wheels of community are turning. Relationships are being made, the spirit in the air in Maine is growing strong. There is an awakening just around the bend.
In all of this i am being contacted by more random people than ever before who are interested in this community thing (why can't we all live in the same place). And right in the midst of it. . .my employer pulls the plug on nearly all of our Internet access. If it didn't make good business sense i would be angry. If God weren't calling the shots i would be dismayed, annoyed and just plain ol' grumpy about it all. But there is a reason. . . .i just can't see it yet.

That being said, those of you who have been stopping by - be patient. i can not post as much as i used to (as work is the only access i have to a computer) but when i can find a computer, like this one, i will write. The good news i guess is that i am going to have to buy a new journal soon since i found my old one. It isn't feeling quite so neglected anymore.

So James, and the rest of you. i am still alive. . . just not here - as much.

Be at peace. Seek God.


Bob said...

Yes things are heating up. I wonder how the early church managed without the internet? How could they share the truth without a good blog? I wonder what Peter's blog would look like? Anyway I hope you gain regular access to the great ceribral hive-mind.

Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.