Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Further tales from the garden

So Amy had the kids wake me up early last evening. Usually this isn't the wisest of moves, especially on days like yesterday where I had back to back overnights and I just couldn't sleep. But last night it was worth it.

It turns out that a small hawk (I believe that it was a Cooper's hawk, but I haven't finished identifying it) had been perched on the back deck looking over the garden. The hawk suddenly started up while she was taking pictures - Amy got some good photos. Turns out it had spied a shrew scurrying across the gourd patch. Mr. Hawk made very short work of the little shrew. It was neat to watch. Mr. Hawk was in no hurry whatsoever and took his time eating, the cleaning his talons. He didn't seem bothered by his audience who were standing less than four meters away. After his meal he put on a good display flexing his wings and then jumping up to roost on the Pea supports. It really was very fantastic.

The day was made better by the near 36 hours of on an off rain storms. It seems a dog's age since we had rain. The garden which was on the brink of death has already started flowering. It's a bit late in the season for much more to come (I expect we should see a frost in the next couple of weeks) but we might steal a few more squash and peas out. Fantastic!!!

Like my friend Renee, I tend to lament the loss of summer to autumn knowing that winter is near, but I do love the autumn.

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