Monday, September 03, 2007

Harvest time!!

i love the feel of the dirt between my toes, the smell of tomato plants and finding that unexpected watermelon tucked underneath some random leaves.
We spent Saturday morning out in the garden harvesting peas, beans of all sorts, corn, cukes, squash. . . Ahhh!! It was great. Even with the lack of rain the plants are producing well, and among the withering and dying leaves, there is new growth. For crying out loud it's now the 3rd of September and i have watermelons that are just getting started. What a great thing to eat out of your own garden (thank you God!!) and eat off the land. No chemicals, no middle man . . . just you and God and the land. 
In another note, we started a new "no plastic" economic system. Everything in cash, except for the things that are taken out through automatic withdrawl. i like to grocery shop anyway, but this definitely added a bit of challenge to it. When you have "x" number of dollars and no plastic back up you have to watch your pennies.
i haven't shopped like that in years, but man it was fun!!

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