Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Meanwhile, back on the farm. . .

Well, it finally happened.
Among our new additions to the chicken flock in the spring we added to aruacana (sp??) chickens. They are funny looking little birds whose breed finds it origins in South America. We picked them because of their special gift. Also known as "the easter egg chicken", they lay green, blue, pink and brown eggs.
We were beginning to think that we had acquired bum birds, but alas. . . the other morning we went out on our morning egg collection trip (we have to collect them early this time of year or they freeze solid) and sure enough, among the brown eggs that our other hens lay was one small (comparatively speaking) green egg. i was super pleased because i had been hoping for green. Our neighbor in the farm down the road has the same breed and hers lay blue eggs. Maybe now we can mix and match!!!
Oh the joys (and quirks) of God's creation.

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