Wednesday, January 09, 2008

i was driving to pick up Amy from work today. i was thinking about some stuff that i had read in the book "Salt and Light" by Eberhard Arnold. Along the way i passed an older man hitchhiking. i always think about picking up hitchhikers but i seldom have a chance (just enough seats in the car for the family - and barely that). Today i only had two kids and two spare seats. As i passed him i was amazed at the speed of thought, and how quickly i could make reasons not to pick him up: i was already late because of an accident that blocked the end of my road, i had to think about the safety of my kids, i was in a hurry, he was just a little odd looking - a long scraggly beard, a beat up brown leather hat. . .
i also considered that here was a man in need, and that to love him i would need to give him the same comfort of travel as i had - creating an economy of equality. i also noticed that i have a long scruffy beard and a beat up brown leather hat - so much for the odd looking excuse!
So i turned around. i had only gone a half mile or so. As i drove back i thought of Paul's command to make the most of every opportunity and where it was written elsewhere entertain strangers because by doing so some have unknowingly entertained angels.
i had a chance. i hesitated and i blew it. In the two minutes it took me to turn around and go back he was gone.

So i stewed on that for the rest of drive to Amy's work.

Low and behold less than a mile from her work i saw the same man hitchhiking. . . weird! God gives second chances. i didn't hesitate or think twice this time. Forest was a kindly older man who has lived in Gorham for many, many years and has hitch hiked the better part of his adult life. It was really cool. We got him to where he was going and thanked God for second chances!!

Be at peace.


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