Tuesday, April 08, 2008

More life on the farm . . .

Ok, so the following two accounts may be a bit extreme, but I had to document them simply to illustrate the continual madness around the house these days.


Yesterday I woke up (in the afternoon – I work nights) alone in the house, the rest of the gang was off having fun, to the sound of the peahens freaking out. Now, for those of you who have no experience with peafowl, the cockerels (the boy peafowl – the pretty ones) make this tremendous noise. Hens on the other hand just honk, and it really is a soothing sound . . . at least to me. So at first it really didn't faze me till I looked out the window and realized that there was a dog in the chicken coop. Bad news. After shooing it away I discovered that of our flock of 6 production hens, two were dead, two were missing, and two were hiding.   

It was traumatizing. However . . . I was able to remove the bodies before the kids got home, and as of this morning one of the "missing" birds had returned home. Although I don't have a lot of hope for the last one, until I see a body there is always a chance. The "missing" bird is the same bird that went on sabbatical last year around the time of the great fox invasion – and returned. So who knows?


Today – we were approved for our loan and we bought the van. A little back story here: on Saturday we put a down payment on a fifteen passenger van that we have been looking at. Chris called and put the down payment on my ATM card. Mind you, I have never talked to any of the people at this dealership. Now while on the phone on Saturday, Chris said, "This is not my card", and the guy at the dealership processed the card without batting an eye. They didn't ask for confirmation from the owner of the card or anything. What the heck is up with that????

Further, Chris has had some trouble getting his CDL transferred to the state of Maine and this has wreaked havoc on their (the Hogans) insurance situation. The van is going to be on their insurance – well that can't happen till his license gets squared away, and the vehicle can't be inspected without insurance.
Long story short. . . The van somehow (;-P) ended up with Florida tags on it that were supposed to be on a different van that we use (which in this great state is illegal – but apparently not elsewhere). The new van, made it home without inspection, unregistered and with the wrong (hence illegal) plates.

To boot, the car salesman signed all of the paperwork, but forgot to take payment . . . so we effectively paid $200.00 bucks for the van. Teeheehee!!!!

Meanwhile, James' school called to let us know that he was sick. Amy went to pick him up in the other van. The van that didn't have any tags on it. . .

So now two adults are risking having a vehicle towed and arrest, while back in town the other parent unwittingly risked having a vehicle towed, and arrest. . .

Leaving me home – alone – with 5 kids . . .AAAAAAAAAUUUUUUGGGGGGHHHH!


I love our little community!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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