Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Passive subversion.

Fight the man!
Or so they say. i am reading an excellent book (especially for an election year) entitled Jesus For President by Shane Claiborne and Chris Haw. It is a sweet follow up to Shane's other book The Irresistable Revolution.
The book reminds of our Jesus call to love and passive resistance to the world systems. The authors look, albeit broadly, at the history of the church - going back to the likes of Abraham and our interaction with God - reminding us that we are called to be a nation (not America but the Church) set apart. We are called, by God, to be a people that look like no other nation on earth, whose only elected official is God! We are to practice an economy of equality, and that through mutuality and love all are accounted for. Every person concerns themselves with contributing to feed the others and by doing so all are fed, both spiritually and physically.
i hope this yammering doesn't bore too many. i know that i keep coming around to themes like this, but i am super encouraged by all the reinforcement.

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