Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Living with a hernia. . . .

Yea, i didn't think you would remember that classic Weird Al Yankovic tune either. It only came to me because it has become sort of an anthem at the moment. That and i was a total freak as a child (not that much of that has changed).
But yes, after a night of tossing and turning i was coerced into going to the doctor where they pronounced me "invalid".
Did they help me feel better? No! They referred me to someone else for that. And that someone else (the Casco Bay Surgical Team) says that i can wait two weeks for a "check up" appointment.
Not that i am woohoo-gungho about having a surgery, but man this just ain't comfy anymore.

The highlight to all of this is that my wife feels vindicated. i had to go, give a urine specimen, get violated by a stranger, then get an ultrasound. She says it serves me right, seeing as she has had to do it three times (pregnancies. . .).

The difference. . . at least she got to squeeze a watermelon sized parasite out of an orifice the size of a lemon. All i am going to get is: groped again, and some silly stitches.

What the heck?!?!?!

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