Thursday, March 29, 2007

Sleeping soundly

i work nights. i seldom sleep anymore, and when i do it is even more rare that i enter into deep sleep or that i wake up refreshed.

Today was different though. my sleep was broken up into two periods. After a twelve hour shift last night i stayed up so that we could get the kids pictures taken. That was a bit of a chore. By the time we got in to do it, it was darned near nap time and the little ones were way too fidgety.
i got to bed late. . . like 11 am and slept for about 5 hours. A huge chunk of sleeping time in my world, but still i woke up exhausted.
i was up Amy and the kids for the evening, had supper, put the kids to bed. Momma, James and i sat on the couch and read books and listened to James radio program, then i laid down. It was weird. . .

It was a lucid dream. Peaceful. i had apparently purchased a two floor Victorian house with three rooms. At first it was just me in the house. Then my parents came over and my father helped me makes some repairs. i was cognizant of my acrophobia so he did all of the high stuff. Time fast forwarded a bit and there were many of us living in the house. Men and women, we all lived together and it was cool. We had crammed people into just about every possible nook and cranny, but there was still plenty of room. People kept coming. One person left. . .that was really sad.
Time fast forwarded again. The house was still there and all the people still lived in it, and i was still in contact with all of them, but i don't think that i lived there full time. i was in the city, with another guy, older and pretty charismatic. He had access to a radio program and we were outside of an old movie theater. We were trying to raise funds to buy it to set it up the same way we had modified the Victorian. . .so lots of people could live in it.
Outside there was a whole mess of people standing around offering support or just hanging out with us. They were poor, many of them, but not all. They didn't just fit into one demographic, there were all kinds of people from all different countries. It was amazing and beautiful.
We all began dancing together as we neared our goal and knew that we were going to acquire the building. And we danced and danced. As we danced i ended up with a little boy from Guatemala. An amazing boy with dark eyes and a broad smile. He was happy. As happy as he had been in a long time. He was an orphan with nowhere to go. And all the people were dancing.
As we danced i decided that i was going to adopt him, and the older man, the radio guy, agreed to help out with the process. It was just pure joy, peace, and happiness.
Then i woke up. Rested!

i am still riding the wave of that emotion. . . untouchable!

"'In the last days, God says,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your young men will see visions,
your old men will dream dreams.'"

- Acts 2:17

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