Thursday, March 15, 2007

Seventy and sunny. . . weird

March. Not just March, but March 14Th (well, it was yesterday) and it was 70 degrees in my backyard. There is something tremendously wrong with that. i am not complaining, i enjoyed it, but it isn't normal. Global warming oppositionists - explain yesterday to me.

i spent a bit of time at the coffee shop this morning - killing time before getting my oil changed. i can never really tell what my intentions for going there are anymore. i used to go there to have chai and philosophize with my small group of friends. Lately i have been reading. . .well that's what i tell myself. i don't wonder if i am having more fun people watching now. Wondering, who they are, all those coffee addicted folk, what they are up to today? What makes them tick? Our species fascinates me if for no other reason than we (and yes i said we - i am pretty dumb too)just kind of hum-drum along as life passes us by. We hide in our little worlds. We are in contact with literally thousands of people each day yet we make no attempt to make any sort of real contact with them. Its probably not possible. . . to connect with that many people all in one day and have any sense of real connection with them.

Hmmmm. OK i am just rambling now. Good morning.

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