Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Peace like a river??? Have you ever been down a class 5 rapid?

Today is a day to reflect on gains rather than losses.
A friend of Amy's went into the hospital today and delivered her baby very prematurely. The tension in everyone was palpable as the future of this sweet gift was so uncertain. As i prayed i spent some time reflecting on the emotions that might follow should the baby die. In that, my thoughts were turned to my/our approach to this potential tragedy. Part of crisis and healing is a phase of anger. Should the baby die, would we reflect on our loss? Would the parents be crushed under the weights of what could have been? Or is it a better thing, even amidst the hurt, to meditate on what was gained? What lessons can this little one teach us even in a few minutes or hours? How amazing are those first minutes of life, and what a blessing is it to stare into creation?
The baby is in the NICU as far as i am aware at this point, and as far as the doctors have said the prognosis is good at the moment. As we pray and love the family with all that God can give us, the lesson that this little one has taught me is to rejoice in what was gained rather than languish in what was lost.

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