Thursday, August 16, 2007

To work or not to work . . . that is question.

Ok, so apparently I have to make an editorial correction to a previous post. A couple of days ago I posted a quick blurb about a friend of Amy's and her baby. Well . . . as it turns out I was some what misinformed. The tale is for the most part true, as is the moral. The discrepancy is that the baby has not yet been born yet. Mom is in the hospital still and they are pumping her full of festive medications that will hopefully prevent her from finishing the labor process too early (her water has already broken).


In other news we had a stellar electrical storm tonight. On my way to work I was enjoying the tail end of it, thinking about life and other fun things. . . It occurred to me that I enjoy the subtle truth of my favorite verse, "be still and know that I am God."

Driving alone in the car with music softly playing in the background, my thoughts seem to be clearest, and I seem to be able to meditate most easily. Yes I am in motion, but everything outside of the vehicle's interior seems not to really exist (have I mentioned that I have also taken some of my best naps on the turnpike . . . while I was driving?).

I was thinking tonight about work situations at home. It seems as though Amy's is going to improve in September, mine is still status quo. It is no mystery that I hate my job, I love what I do (most of the time), but I hate where I work. Wolfgang Simpson has some theories about trusting God and The Church to provide for our needs and that we escape from the confines of the secular work force and commit ourselves to Kingdom work. The more I think about it, the more it is appealing. I hope that it is not because somehow I am lazy, but because it is sound thinking.

At work it seems that I feel shackled, weighted down, and totally unable to tread water (socially and spiritually). When I am not at work I feel like (and know that I act like) a completely different person – it's like multiple personality disorder. I wonder if the experience would be the same if I didn't have to "go" to work.

I don't want to be lazy; I just don't want to slave away in some meaningless office for another man's political gains and a paycheck. It really isn't worth it. Flip side of the same coin, I haven't the faith to just let it all go. I also want to make sure that if I do leave, that it is on a positive note. It's not that I don't put a concerted effort into being the person that I know that I should be at work . . . it's that my concerted effort apparently sucks. I don't know what the answer is I guess, or if I do, I don't know how to go about getting there.

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