Tuesday, August 14, 2007

i don't know

Tuesday - the gardens booming. We spent a grueling day Saturday playing catch up around the house. Mostly in the garden. Jesus once said pray that God will cast workers out into the harvest fields - that kind of sums up Saturday. Amy and i started weeding in the morning, by afternoon people were just coming to the house, and jumping in. We ended up weeding a better part of half. There are some parts now that are so overgrown with gourds that i can't get into them to weed them, but there is still a small section that is in dire need. Hopefully today i will get out there.
Sunday we met with the Church in Lewiston. What a time. It was much like watching a toddler first learn to walk. We met together and seemed at first so uncertain how to proceed. Eventually we caught on, and people interjected as they were led. Then came the conversation! Awesome stuff. Even as utterly undeserving as i am, God has not failed to bless me and speak to me through gatherings such as these.  Many of the deeper truths didn't even come during the discussion time. Finance, humility, honesty, grace, transparency - these were the things i went home pondering
Strangely (or not so strangely), we were supposed to have stayed and gone hiking with our friends in Lewiston, but Amy's knee was really bothering her. We returned home, and ended up across the street at the new neighbors house. What a blessing! We got to meet them, and God opened up some really cool doors that afternoon. There are a lot of similar interests, and only God knows what may come of it. His will be done.

1 comment:

renee @ FIMBY said...

So glad you connected with your neighbors. Now I don't feel quite so bad that we couldn't go hiking together.