Monday, August 13, 2007

This also should have posted last week . . . so it's not really 0350, well, not anymore.

It's 0350. I am fighting sleep, well, sort of. At work - watching a program on Muay Thai a Thai martial art – very violent, very forceful. It's not often that I feel as at peace about everything as I do right now. It's not a sleepy kind of peace, but just calm – quiet.

There is a lot to do and a lot to be done, not at work, but in life. So much to organize, and people to get in touch with, and plans to make, and projects to be done and still I feel so terribly distracted.

Always doing, making, creating, destroying, reconstructing – never enough time just being. "Be still" was the command. There will always be a time to do, to create, to destroy, to plan, to organize, to repair to be still.

What is there in stillness? Sometimes I wonder is the command a stillness of being? Is it a stillness of living? Just stop, don't do, and don't think, don't work – be still.

Or is it merely a stillness of the mind. Not to stop thinking per se, but to be still in ones mind, free from worry, from planning, from attempting to articulate, from overanalyzing.

When I stop, I find that I notice more. In fact sitting still on a log in the forest I notice more than I do in motion. I won't stop thinking, but I wonder more, I explore more (without moving), I enjoy more, I see more, I hear more, I smell more. There is great joy in stillness. Peace – calm.

1 comment:

renee @ FIMBY said...

That would be nice: Not to stop thinking per se, but to be still in ones mind, free from worry, from planning, from attempting to articulate, from overanalyzing. I'm always articulating something in my mind. How best to word my thoughts and feelings so I'm understood.